【オーボエ・イングリッシュホルン3重奏】ドニゼッティの歌劇「ラ・ファヴォリータ」の主題による協奏曲 A.パスクッリ作曲/中木明日香編曲

作曲:A.パスクッリ(Antonino Pasculli)
編曲:中木明日香(Aska Nakaki)


1English horn








Oboe players are very good at blowing long phrases without breath. But, have you ever had a situation where there is too much air in your lungs and your mind goes blank? Yes, you need a break, even if it is just one beat!
So I arranged this difficult piece, which tends to make everyone’s head go blank, for oboe trio, and what a surprise! The painful parts were dispersed, and I was able to have a rest and concentrate more on the music.
The difficult part of the melody that comes up again and again, where it is difficult to nail the final fine passages, came out perfectly when I combined the two oboes.
There are many other exciting things to do, and one of the charms is that the three of us can enhance each other’s music-making skills. Of course, you can also play in venues without pianos. hope that this arrangement will further broaden the scope of your musical activities.
Here are just a few notes on performance. I thought it might be a bit lonely to play it alone from the beginning, so I arranged the long cadenza at the beginning to be played alternately by two oboes, but you need to be creative. Of course, it is important to play with the same pitch, tone, and volume as if you were playing alone, but if you play with one heart, singing in the same direction and direction of the sound, I am sure you will be able to connect with the flow of the music. I hope the three of you will try to play the other parts of the song in the same way!
As with the previous scores, we asked Gokigen Yoko, a character artist, to write the title of this album. I have heard that just looking at her characters will bring you good luck. I hope that those who purchase this sheet music will have even better luck.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Viel Spaß ! Aska Nakaki

中木明日香 – Aska Nakaki
4歳より作曲とピアノ、14歳よりオーボエを始める。第1回パリ国際オーボエコンクール他、多数受賞。同志社女子大学卒業、同専修科修了、リヒャルト・シュトラウス音楽院修了、ヴュルツブルク音楽大学首席卒業。ドイツ国家音楽家資格取得、マンハイム音楽大学大学院修了。呉山平煥、岩崎勇、福田淳、フランソワ・ルルー、ヨッヘン・ミュラー=ブリンケン、エマニュエル・アビュール各氏に師事。(ヴィラムジカ奨学生として、クラウス・トゥーネマン氏等と数年に渡り共演。) アウグスブルグ・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、ブラウンシュヴァイク州立管弦楽団、バーデン州立カールスルーエ歌劇場管弦楽団などの契約団員や、ニュルンベルク交響楽団客演奏者等で活動。絶対音感を活かした編曲はプロからも非常に好評で、奏者、編曲者としても国内外で人気を博している。
